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Sliding door pulley is a hero behind the scenes that can not be ignored

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2021/11/9 1:00:40 frequency:

The mixed wheel is one of the important accessories of the sliding door that can not be ignored. The quality of the pulley directly affects the sense of use of the sliding door. Therefore, when selecting the sliding door, we must pay attention to the quality of the pulley.

Sliding door belongs to mechanical friction mechanism. Such mechanism needs good lubrication. Otherwise, in the long run, the resistance will be greater and greater, resulting in great noise. Needless to say, it will also affect the service life of sliding door. The sliding door wheel slide of yapai metal products factory has two sets of upper and lower pulleys respectively. The pulley bearing adopts imported class a bearing, which has the function of closed self-lubrication. Coupled with our 304 stainless steel sliding strip specially customized by xinaus, the push-pull is smoother and quieter.
The seemingly insignificant pulley plays an important role. The weight of the whole door is basically pressed on the small pulley. Therefore, the bearing capacity of the pulley is also one of the factors affecting the quality of the sliding door. The sliding door wheel slide of yapai metal products factory adopts load-bearing bearing bearing, which can be opened and closed freely. The single wheel load can reach 120kg, with large load-bearing capacity and long service life.
The selection of sliding door can not only depend on the appearance, and the hardware accessories used can not be ignored. The pulley can be said to be the soul of sliding door, which can not be ignored whether it is selected or installed.

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