
What are the maintenance methods of wardrobe door pulley

Source: Time:2021-11-08 22:48:14 views:

Who do you usually look for to repair the sliding door wardrobe, the wardrobe door pulley and the double door wardrobe? In fact, due to the limited bedroom area, most families will choose the wardrobe with sliding door to save space when opening and closing the wardrobe. However, one of the most common problems of the wardrobe with sliding door is that the pulley is easy to fail. How to deal with it? Let's introduce it to you.

Who do you usually look for to repair the sliding door wardrobe, the wardrobe door pulley and the double door wardrobe? In fact, due to the limited bedroom area, most families will choose the wardrobe with sliding door to save space when opening and closing the wardrobe. However, one of the most common problems of the wardrobe with sliding door is that the pulley is easy to fail. How to deal with it? Let's introduce it to you.

The repair method of sliding door wardrobe is actually very simple. First, check whether there are sundries in the wardrobe track. If there are, clean it up. If not, adjust the oil tanker. Then check whether the tanker is worn. Adjust the lower slide rail. There is a screw that can adjust the tightness.
The maintenance of the wardrobe door pulley is a little complicated. It's OK to dip the white latex used for wooden materials and mix a little wood chips. It can catch the crack and lock the screw. Sliding door products have intervals. Generally, external pulleys need an interval of 15mm, which will affect the tightness of sliding doors. In places with large wind and sand, there are many opportunities to be disturbed by dust, and dust is easy to accumulate in the wardrobe.
If the double door wardrobe pulley is broken and can not be repaired, it can only be replaced. The replacement method is relatively simple. First, take a frame and lower seal and fix it with fixing screws. Then put the fixed frame on the ground, and then arrange the sliding door panel under the frame. Take another frame and clip it into the arranged sliding door plate, and fix the lower seal and frame with screws.
Finally, clip in the upper seal, fix it with screws, and fix the upper pulley at the same time. After the upper and lower screws are fixed, fix the lower pulley in the lower seal with traction screws. In this way, the installation and replacement are completed. It should be noted that when installing the lower pulley, the pulley plate is inward.
The above is all about the maintenance of sliding door wardrobe and wardrobe door pulley sorted out by Xiaobian. If you are not very clear about the maintenance of sliding door wardrobe pulley, you can consult: 18924556788

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